LAGOON Astrométrie



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Lagoon Astrométrie

It is a stellar identification software for CCD camera. Lagoon is destined to become an usefull software series for astronomers and astrophysicists. Currently, only one softwares have been created.

The astrometry part is an easy way to provide quick and easy object identification. This can be done just after the shooting time, in order to know if you are pointing at the right place.

This software can be for classical astrometry. The precission of the J2000.0 epoch is fine and good. But when you are reading the shooting epoch coordinate, the accuracy is not enought good for orbit calcul or whatever. Based ont the USNO-A2.0 catalog, it is not posible for now to correct the star proper motion. But when the proper motion is not a big deal, the result of the software are pretty good.

Latest news

02/07/2008 Version V1.4.14 available. New interesting features available.

01/07/2008 Videos tutorials are now online.

21/06/2007 Version V1.4.12 available. Major update.

21/06/2007 New documentation page.

03/06/2007 Version V1.3.6 available in the download section..

31/05/2007 Translation of the french website.


Contact | © Benjamin BAQUE 2007